The next meeting of members East Malaysia Region Office will be held on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 9.00 a.m at Pejabat Pusat Khidmat Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak (DUBS), Sub lot 4‐12 & 13, 3rd Floor, DUBS Commercial Centre,Lot 376 l 3 Jalan Petanak 93100 Kuching Sarawak.
1.....To confirm minutes meeting on 5 October 2017
2.....Presentation of the following:‐
.......a) Briefing / Update on Potongan Zakat Pekerja by Encik Mohd Rumzum, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak
3.....Matters arising
4.....Current negotiations and dispute
5.....Any other business