25 August 2024 / Sundays only
Course Fees: RM 8,500 (incl 8% SST) – HRDC Claimable
Group Discount RM 300 [3 or more same company]
Discount of RM 300 for self paying individuals
The Diploma in Industrial Relations – the only comprehensive industrial relations course in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO). Designed as a practical course targeted at Human Resource practitioners and specialist Industrial Relations / Labour Laws personnel, this 7 months online course is conducted by industrial relations practitioners, lawyers, human resource specialist and representatives from ILO. Participants will develop knowledge & skills in providing practical advisory and implementation on employment laws, industrial relations, labour laws, union management and first-hand experience of proceedings in industrial and labour courts.
DIPLOMA IR qualification is an industry based formalization of the competency standards for effective application of IR & labour laws - issued by MEF Academy and also recognised qualification as Certified IR Practitioner issued by Asia eUniversity.
Successful candidates with requisite working experience, will receive DUAL QUALIFICATION upon satisfactory completion of the course, examination, assignments and project paper.
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.